
Last updated:2023-04-10

Statistics of delivery data (per day)

SMS data counted by day


This code block in the floating window

HTTP Request Method


This code block in the floating window


Header Type Required Description
Authorization string true Basic base64(sms_user:sms_key)

Parameter Description

Parameter Type Required Description
time_zone string no time zone,example:+8
template_ids string no multiple template IDs, using; Separate, such as template_ ids=1; 2; 3. Supports up to 10
sms_users string no obtain specified SMS_ Statistical data for USER, multiple SMS_ Used for USER; Separate, such as SMS_ users=a; b; c. Up to 10 supported
label_ids string no list of SMS tag IDs, using; Separate, such as label_ ids=123456; 456789, supports up to 10
start_date string yes start_date, formatted with yyyy-MM-dd
end_date string yes end_date, formatted with yyyy-MM-dd
msg_type string no SMS type, 2 represents international SMS
aggregate_by string no defaults to 0; if aggregate=1, aggregated data will be returned


  1. The number of days to query should not exceed 90 days.
  2. When 'aggregate_by' is 1, data aggregation will be done according to 'msg_type'; When 'aggregate_by' is 0, no data aggregation is performed

Request Example

curl -X GET "" --header "Authorization: Basic <<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>>"
          curl -X GET "" 
--header "Authorization: Basic <<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>>"

This code block in the floating window

Returned Value Description

Parameter Description
send_date send date
msg_type SMS type
sms_user SMS_USER
template_id ID of SMS template
label_id label ID
targets total targets,request numbers
sent total sent
process_failed number of process failed
delivered number of delivered
send_failed number of send failed
wait_result number of wait result
billing_count billing count
process_failed_percent percentage of process failed
delivered_percent percentage of delivered
send_failed_percent percentage of send failed
wait_result_percent percentage of wait result

Returned Value Example


{ "result" : [{ "send_date" : "2016-09-27", "msg_type" : "2", "sms_user" : "sms_user", "template_id" : 11, "label_id" : 110, "targets" : 1, "sent" : 0, "process_failed" : 0, "delivered" : 1, "send_failed" : 0, "wait_result" : 0, "billing_count" : 2, "process_failed_percent" : 0.0, "delivered_percent" : 0, "send_failed_percent" : 0, "wait_result_percent" : 0 } ], count:1 }
        "result" : [{
                "send_date" : "2016-09-27",
                "msg_type" : "2",
                "sms_user" : "sms_user",
                "template_id" : 11,
                "label_id" : 110,
                "targets" : 1,
                "sent" : 0,
                "process_failed" : 0,
                "delivered" : 1,
                "send_failed" : 0,
                "wait_result" : 0,
                "billing_count" : 2,
                "process_failed_percent" : 0.0,
                "delivered_percent" : 0,
                "send_failed_percent" : 0,
                "wait_result_percent" : 0

This code block in the floating window


{ "result" : { "msg_type" : "2", "targets" : 1, "sent" : 0, "process_failed" : 0, "delivered" : 1, "send_failed" : 0, "wait_result" : 0, "billing_count" : 2, "process_failed_percent" : 0.0, "delivered_percent" : 0.0, "send_failed_percent" : 0.0, "wait_result_percent" : 0.0 } } }
    "result" : {
              "msg_type" : "2",
              "targets" : 1,
              "sent" : 0,
              "process_failed" : 0,
              "delivered" : 1,
              "send_failed" : 0,
              "wait_result" : 0,
              "billing_count" : 2,
              "process_failed_percent" : 0.0,
              "delivered_percent" : 0.0,
              "send_failed_percent" : 0.0,
              "wait_result_percent" : 0.0

This code block in the floating window

Process failed

classification statistics for failed query processing


This code block in the floating window

HTTP Request Method


This code block in the floating window


Header Type Required Description
Authorization String true Basic base64(smsUser:smsKey)

Parameter Description

Parameter Type Required Description
time_zone string no time zone,example:+8
sms_users string no obtain specified SMS_ Statistical data for USER, multiple SMS_ Used for USER; Separate, such as SMS_ users=a; b; c. Up to 10 supported
start_date string yes start_date, formatted with yyyy-MM-dd
end_date string yes end_date, formatted with yyyy-MM-dd
msg_type string no SMS type, 2 represents international SMS
label_ids string no list of SMS tag IDs, using; Separate, such as label_ ids=123456; 456789, supports up to 10
template_ids string no multiple template IDs, using; Separate, such as template_ ids=1; 2; 3. Supports up to 10
aggregate_by string no defaults to 0; if aggregate=1, aggregated data will be returned


  1. The number of days to query should not exceed 90 days.
  2. When 'aggregate_by' is 1, data aggregation will be done according to 'msg_type'; When 'aggregate_by' is 0, no data aggregation is performed

Request Example

curl -X GET "" --header "Authorization: Basic <<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>>"
          curl -X GET "" 
--header "Authorization: Basic <<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>>"

This code block in the floating window

Returned Value Description

Parameter Description
send_date send date
label_id label ID
msg_type SMS type
sms_user SMS_USER
template_id ID of SMS template
global_block number of global block
partial_block number of partial block
unsubscribe number of unsubscribe
keyword_block number of keyword block
variable_error number of variable error
content_error number of content error
frequency_overrun number of frequency overrun
other number of other

Returned Value Example


{ "result" : [{ "send_date" : "2016-09-09", "label_id" : 110, "msg_type" : "2", "sms_user":"sms", "template_id" : 122, "global_block": 133 "partial_block" : 0, "unsubscribe" : 0, "keyword_block" : 0, "variable_error" : 0, "content_error" : 0, "frequency_overrun" : 0, "other" : 0 } ], count:1 }
    "result" : [{
                "send_date" : "2016-09-09",
                "label_id" : 110,
                "msg_type" : "2",
                "template_id" : 122,
                "global_block": 133
                "partial_block" : 0,
                "unsubscribe" : 0,
                "keyword_block" : 0,
                "variable_error" : 0,
                "content_error" : 0,
                "frequency_overrun" : 0,
                "other" : 0

This code block in the floating window


{ "result" : { "msg_type" : "2", "global_block": 133 "partial_block" : 0, "unsubscribe" : 0, "keyword_block" : 0, "variable_error" : 0, "content_error" : 0, "frequency_overrun" : 0, "other" : 0 } }
    "result" : {
                "msg_type" : "2",
                "global_block": 133
                "partial_block" : 0,
                "unsubscribe" : 0,
                "keyword_block" : 0,
                "variable_error" : 0,
                "content_error" : 0,
                "frequency_overrun" : 0,
                "other" : 0

This code block in the floating window

Send failed

Query classification statistics for failed sending


This code block in the floating window

HTTP Request Method


This code block in the floating window


Header Type Required Description
Authorization String true Basic base64(sms_user:sms_key)

Parameter Description

Parameter Type Required Description
time_zone string no time zone,example:+8
sms_users string no obtain specified SMS_ Statistical data for USER, multiple SMS_ Used for USER; Separate, such as SMS_ users=a; b; c. Up to 10 supported
start_date string yes start_date, formatted with yyyy-MM-dd
end_date string yes end_date, formatted with `yyyy-MM-dd
msg_type string no SMS type, 2 represents international SMS
label_ids string no list of SMS tag IDs, using; Separate, such as label_ ids=123456; 456789, supports up to 10
template_ids string no multiple template IDs, using; Separate, such as template_ ids=1; 2; 3. Supports up to 10
aggregate_by string no defaults to 0; if aggregate=1, aggregated data will be returned


  1. The number of days to query should not exceed 90 days.
  2. When 'aggregate_by' is 1, data aggregation will be done according to 'msg_type'; When 'aggregate_by' is 0, no data aggregation is performed

Request Example

curl -X GET "" --header "Authorization: Basic <<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>>"
          curl -X GET "" 
--header "Authorization: Basic <<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>>"

This code block in the floating window

Returned Value Description

Parameter Description
send_date send date
label_id label ID
msg_type SMS type
sms_user SMS_USER
template_id ID of SMS template
empty number of empty
out_of_service number of out of service
blacklist number of blacklist
busy number of busy
no_answer number of no answer
interception number of interception
break_down number of break down
not_in_service number of not in service
power_off number of power off
other other

Returned Value Example


{ "result" : [ { "send_date" : "2016-09-09", "label_id" : 110, "msg_type" : "2", "sms_user":"sms", "template_id" : 10, "empty" : 0, "out_of_service" : 3, "blacklist" : 0, "busy" : 0, "no_answer" : 0, "interception" : 0, "break_down" : 0, "not_in_service" : 0, "power_off" : 0, "other" : 2 } ], "count":1 } }
    "result" :  [
                "send_date" : "2016-09-09",
                "label_id" : 110,
                "msg_type" : "2",
                "template_id" : 10,
                "empty" : 0,
                "out_of_service" : 3,
                "blacklist" : 0,
                "busy" : 0,
                "no_answer" : 0,
                "interception" : 0,
                "break_down" : 0,
                "not_in_service" : 0,
                "power_off" : 0,
                "other" : 2

This code block in the floating window


{ "result" : { "msg_type" : "2", "empty" : 0, "out_of_service" : 3, "blacklist" : 0, "busy" : 0, "no_answer" : 0, "interception" : 0, "break_down" : 0, "not_in_service" : 0, "power_off" : 0, "other" : 2 } }
    "result" : {
                "msg_type" : "2",
                "empty" : 0,
                "out_of_service" : 3,
                "blacklist" : 0,
                "busy" : 0,
                "no_answer" : 0,
                "interception" : 0,
                "break_down" : 0,
                "not_in_service" : 0,
                "power_off" : 0,
                "other" : 2

This code block in the floating window
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