Engagelab 用戶協議


您與Metaverse Cloud PTE.LTD.及其關聯公司(以下簡稱“EngageLab”、“我們”、“我們的”或“我們”)之間的用戶協議適用於您對EngageLab賬號的創建和使用。EngageLab用戶服務協議包括《開發者文檔》、《EngageLab隱私政策》以及EngageLab平臺展示的相關操作提示、使用規則。 請仔細閱讀並充分理解本用戶協議(以下簡稱“本協議”)的所有條款和條件,特別是關於服務費用、適用法律、爭議解決、EngageLab免責或限制其責任的條款,以及您的權利和義務。為方便起見,這些條款和條件以粗體突出顯示。我們不向未成年人提供服務。


1 EngageLab賬號簡介

  • 1.1 EngageLab通過本協議授權您創建、登錄、使用EngageLab賬號及其相關服務。所有EngageLab賬號均為EngageLab的財產,您有權作為賬號創建者使用您的EngageLab賬號。

    1.2 通過EngageLab賬號,您可以訪問EngageLab提供的產品和服務,包括但不限於向您的終端用戶發送電子郵件、短信,使用SDK Web 推送和應用內消息推送。您同意,當您使用任何特定服務時,您接受並受本協議及該特定服務的相關服務協議的條款和條件的約束。

2 創建和使用賬戶

  • 2.1 創建賬戶

    2.1.1 創建或使用EngageLab賬號前,您必須確認您已達到所在國家或地區的成年年齡。

    2.1.2 您可以通過註冊創建EngageLab賬號。進入EngageLab賬號註冊頁面,閱讀並同意EngageLab賬號用戶協議,按照頁面提示操作。 您同意在註冊時提供有關您自己的真實、準確和完整的資訊。因註冊資訊不實或錯誤或未能更新用戶資訊而導致的任何問題,EngageLab不承擔任何責任。 您可以在賬戶設置中找到並更新您的賬戶詳細資訊。 您應該使用您的真實身份註冊您的賬戶。 如果您在個人資料中包含非法或不當內容,包括您的昵稱和頭像,您將無法註冊EngageLab賬號。如果您在個人資料中包含任何虛假、非法或不當內容, EngageLab可能會在有限的時間內更正資訊,或者暫停或終止您的賬戶,恕不另行通知。 您按照註冊頁面提示填寫資訊,閱讀並同意本協議條款,並完成所有註冊程式後,即可獲得EngageLab賬號,成為EngageLab用戶。

  • 2.2 使用您的賬戶

    2.2.1 您對在您的賬戶上或通過您的賬戶發生的所有活動及其後果負責,包括但不限於接受特定服務條款、共用和披露資訊以及購買產品和服務。

    2.2.2 您的EngageLab賬號僅供您使用。您的賬戶資訊包括您的個人詳細資訊以及EngageLab業務資訊。未經EngageLab同意,您不得直接或間接允許第三方使用您的EngageLab賬號或訪問您的賬號資訊。如我們根據EngageLab平臺規則中約定的違約認定程式及標準判斷您EngageLab賬戶的使用可能危及您的賬戶安全和/或EngageLab資訊安全的,EngageLab可拒絕提供相應服務或終止本協議。

    2.2.3 當您使用第三方賬號登錄EngageLab服務時,您的第三方賬號與您的EngageLab賬號綁定。我們將在您同意的情況下使用第三方共用的您的資訊,例如鏈接的第三方賬戶的頭像。本協議適用於您對EngageLab賬號的所有使用。

  • 2.3 賬戶、密碼和安全性

    2.3.1 EngageLab賬號包括賬號名和密碼。請您保管好您的賬戶資訊,因您主動洩露或遭他人盜取而造成的損失,將由您自行承擔。因您個人原因導致的賬號資訊遺失,如需找回賬號資訊,請按照EngageLab賬號找回流程提供相應的資訊,並確保提供的資訊合法真實有效, 若提供的資訊不符合要求,無法通過安全驗證,我們有權拒絕提供賬號找回服務。

    2.3.2 如果您當前使用的EngageLab賬號並非您初始申請註冊的或通過EngageLab提供的其他途徑獲得的,但您知道該賬戶的密碼,請立即聯繫我們或賬戶創建者,停止使用或登錄該賬戶。

  • 2.4 賬戶轉讓

    2.4.1 您可以在本協議規定的範圍內使用您的EngageLab賬號。您不得出於惡意目的創建EngageLab賬號。您不得贈送、借用、出租、轉讓、出售、無償贈送或以任何其他方式將您的EngageLab賬號訪問許可權授予他人。EngageLab有權對上述行為進行獨立評價和回應。您應承擔由此產生的任何責任, EngageLab保留對上述行為的違規人員追究法律責任的權利。由此產生的一切責任由您承擔。

    2.4.2 EngageLab有權根據本協議及相關法律法規採取以下措施:

    • 如您違反法律法規、EngageLab的個別條款或經營原則,EngageLab有權作出獨立判斷並進行限時更正,或隨時暫停或終止您的EngageLab賬號,並決定是否恢復使用根據情況。

    • 如果EngageLab發現您不是EngageLab賬號的原始註冊人,EngageLab保留終止您使用該賬號的權利,恕不另行通知。

    • EngageLab保留在限定時間內更正、暫停或終止您的EngageLab賬號的權利,由此給您造成的任何損失(包括但不限於通訊中斷、用戶數據丟失等)由您自行承擔。

  • 2.5 賬戶回收


  • 2.6 賬戶安全

    2.6.1 您的EngageLab賬號由您創建、設置和使用。我們建議您採取具體措施保護您的賬戶安全,包括但不限於安裝殺毒軟體、定期更改密碼等。

    2.6.2 因您自願披露EngageLab賬號資訊或被他人詐騙而造成的任何損失和後果,EngageLab不承擔任何責任。如出現上述情況,您應通過法律或其他相關方式向侵權人尋求賠償。

  • 2.7 註銷賬戶

    2.7.1 您僅能申請註銷您本人的賬戶,如需註銷EngageLab賬號,您可以按照 EngageLab規定 的流程進行註銷。

    2.7.2 請注意,當您註銷賬戶時,EngageLab將永久刪除與該賬戶相關的所有數據,法律法規有特別規定的除外。EngageLab賬號也將停止與任何第三方賬號關聯。

3 雙方的權利和責任

  • 3.1 我們的權利和責任

    3.1.1 如我們與您達成合作關係,我們同意您在您的App中調用EngageLab開發者服務SDK,並由此向您提供必要的技術支持(包括EngageLab開發者服務SDK集成與使用的文檔與說明,以便您的應用程式順利地與EngageLab開發者服務SDK進行配置)。 我們向您提示:請嚴格按照我們向您提供的使用文檔和說明進行適配和調用EngageLab SDK,如果因您未能有效地配合而造成的影響與損失由您自行負責。

    3.1.2 如根據法律要求,需要我們刪除您接入到我們平臺上的模型和數據的,我們有權對您的相關資訊進行刪除。

    3.1.3 我們負責EngageLab開發者服務SDK的日常運行與維護,及時消除故障,但因您自身原因和/或不可抗力以及非我們控制範圍之內的事項除外。

    3.1.4 當您發現您的App無法正常通過EngageLab平臺調用、集成開發者服務SDK時,請您立即通知我們,我們在收到您的回饋後,會積極配合您的調試工作。

    3.1.5 我們發現您不正確地集成、使用EngageLab開發者服務SDK時,在採取適當的措施前,會先通過電子郵件做出說明,但有權在未通知到您的情況下即做出回應,包括但不限於:限制客戶端接入、限制API調用、限制登錄網站管理平臺、限制某些內容的推送、控制使用與訪問某些服務等。

    3.1.6 由於業務發展需求或者法律法規規定,我們有權調整為您提供的服務範圍,在調整之前我們會在合理的時間內通知您。

    3.1.7 我們會採取各種符合業界標準的物理、電子和管理方面的安全措施來保護所收集到的您和您終端用戶的個人資訊安全,以避免數據洩露的風險。

  • 3.2 您的權利和責任

    3.2.1 您應充分、完整地閱讀《EngageLab隱私政策》。合作期間,您應根據我們提供的文檔、說明、技術支持,正確地在應用程式和/或後臺服務裏集成EngageLab開發者服務SDK,並自行承擔在應用程式和/或後臺服務裏集成EngageLab開發者服務SDK的開發工作及其成本;您知悉並同意,如果沒有正確地集成和/或使用,會導致其功能不能按預期工作,甚至由於其不正確的使用,我們有可能限制和/或終止為該應用程式提供服務,因此造成的影響與損失由您負責。

    3.2.2 您只能在您的應用程式中集成我們相應的SDK服務,如果您超出協議約定的範圍在其他應用程式中集成我們的SDK,我們有權停止為您提供服務,並要求您賠償相應損失。

    3.2.3 您須制定針對您的終端用戶(最終用戶)的隱私政策,且不得低於我們的隱私保護標準,您應在隱私政策中逐一明確列出我們的服務收集和使用您的終端用戶個人資訊的目的、方式、範圍等,並征得您的終端用戶明示授權同意。否則,由此造成我們提供服務時,未獲得終端用戶適當授權或存在其他瑕疵,導致任何第三方權益或/和我們權益受損的,應當由您承擔由此產生的一切責任和後果。


    3.2.4 您承諾您的終端用戶知悉並同意我們依照本協議以及隱私政策對其個人資訊的收集、使用、披露的情況。如您的終端用戶向您提出與EngageLab相關的個人資訊主體請求,您需要首先驗證個人資訊主體身份以及請求的合法真實性,在決定回應請求後,及時與我們進行聯繫。在EngageLab驗證您的身份及請求的真實合法性後,我們會積極配合,回應個人資訊主體的相關請求並及時回復您。由於您單方面沒有履行個人資訊主體請求的相關義務而導致的訴求或者投訴,您需要對投訴或訴求的處理、爭議的解決負有全部的、單獨承擔的責任,並賠償我們因此可能遭受的全部損失。

    3.2.5 在我們向您交付有關EngageLab開發者服務SDK升級或更新程式的前提下,您應按照我們的要求實現產品升級或更新。在我們認為遇到特殊情況時,您應按照我們的升級或更新要求及時完成對EngageLab開發者服務SDK的升級或更新,並及時提供給終端用戶,否則給您或您的終端用戶造成損失的,由您自行承擔。

    3.2.6 您與我們共同負責集成EngageLab開發者服務SDK應用程式的客戶服務等相關問題。您的App本身的品質及合法性問題,由您負責。

    3.2.7 您承諾並保證您向我們提供的數據內容、資訊發送內容及其他資料/檔案等有合法來源(包括但不限於已經獲得權利人的充分有效授權)、不侵犯他人合法權益(包括但不限於隱私權、知識產權、肖像權、人格權等)、不違反任何法律法規,否則由此給我們造成損失的,由您承擔所有責任。為進一步保證本款的內容,在必要時您應及時向我們提供相關證明。

    3.2.8 您不得繞過我們可能用來阻止或限制訪問或保護EngageLab平臺的任何措施,也不得使用任何數據挖掘、機器人或類似的數據收集和提取工具對EngageLab平臺或用戶資訊進行收集或挖掘。

    3.2.9 您在使用EngageLab服務時,應遵守當地法律法規,並同意您不會利用本服務或您的應用/產品從事任何違反當地法律、法規、習俗的活動,不得利用EngageLab服務發送大量不受歡迎的或者未經請求的電子郵件、電子廣告、行銷推廣或包含反動、色情等違法有害資訊的資訊,也不會利用EngageLab服務從事危害網路安全、侵害他人合法權益及違法犯罪的行為。

    3.2.10 您同意,任何第三方因您違反本協議而對EngageLab或其關聯公司造成或導致的任何索賠、要求或損失,包括合理的律師費,您同意向EngageLab或其關聯公司支付賠償。EngageLab有權依據本協議相關服務條款,根據您的行為性質採取包括但不限於刪除已發佈資訊、暫停許可、終止服務、限制使用EngageLab賬號、追究法律責任等措施。EngageLab還將應司法機關的要求協助進行法律調查。

    3.2.11 您不得對EngageLab服務任何部分或EngageLab服務之使用或獲得,進行複製、拷貝、出售、轉售或用於任何其他商業目的。

    3.2.12 您對自己在使用EngageLab服務過程中的違法違規行為和違反本協定的行為承擔一切法律責任。您承擔法律責任的形式包括但不限於:a) 對被侵權方的賠償; b) 因您的行為導致EngageLab先承擔行政處罰或侵權損害的,您應向EngageLab支付等額賠償的補償。

    3.2.13 在任何情況下,EngageLab均不對您或任何第三方因本協議引起的任何間接、後果性、懲戒性、附帶性、特殊性或懲罰性損害承擔責任。

4 免責聲明

  • 4.1 出現以下情況,EngageLab不承擔任何法律責任:

    4.1.1 根據當地法律法規的要求提供您的個人資訊;

    4.1.2 任何因您的濫用而導致的個人資訊洩露;

    4.1.3 因駭客攻擊、電腦病毒、非法或騷擾資訊的封鎖、政府控制或任何其他與網路、技術、通信線路或資訊安全相關的原因造成的任何服務中斷、限制或其他不能滿足用戶要求的行為行政措施;

    4.1.4 由於運營商通信線路故障、技術問題、網路或電腦故障、系統不穩定或其他任何不可抗力原因,給用戶造成的任何損失或損害;

    4.1.5 使用EngageLab產品和服務可能因匿名或假名用戶的威脅、誹謗、攻擊性或非法內容而產生的風險;

    4.1.6 因誤導或欺詐行為而在任何EngageLab平臺上與其他用戶交流造成的任何心理或生理傷害或經濟損失;

    4.1.7 EngageLab明確聲明不以任何形式對EngageLab及其合作夥伴的服務的及時性、安全性和準確性提供任何明示或默示的保證;

    4.1.8 您使用EngageLab賬號發佈的任何內容不代表也不反映EngageLab的任何觀點或政策,EngageLab對此不承擔任何責任;

    4.1.9 在任何情況下,EngageLab均不對任何間接的、後果性的、懲罰性的、附帶的、特殊的或懲罰性的損害賠償負責,包括您因使用EngageLab服務而遭受的利潤損失。即使本協議存在衝突條款,我們對您的全部責任,無論出於何種原因或行為方式,都不會超過您在註冊期間向EngageLab支付的使用EngageLab服務的費用(如有)。

  • 4.2 您可以選擇將您現有的第三方賬號綁定到您的EngageLab賬號。在任何情況下,EngageLab對第三方給您造成的任何損失概不負責。

5 費用

  • 5.1 我們的服務包括收費的服務、暫不收費的服務,具體以我們平臺公佈的消息為准,請您在使用前仔細閱讀。當您使用我們的收費服務,應按照我們公佈的計費標準和方式支付費用。我們可能根據實際需要對收費服務的收費標準、方式等進行修改和變更,也可能會對全部和/或部分暫不收費服務開始收費,我們會在EngageLab平臺上對您進行告知,請您留意相關資訊或服務頁面。如您使用收費服務,您可以向我們申請賬單。

  • 5.2 如涉及充值類服務,您通過賬戶登錄可以查看自己賬戶的充值,消耗以及餘額情況。對於賬戶的充值,消耗及餘額資訊有異議的可以在交易發生次月的10日前向我們回饋,否則視為默認賬戶交易資訊。

6 知識產權

  • 6.1 我們享有EngageLab平臺上的所有內容,包括但不限於圖片、文字、網站設計、畫面安排以及與其相關的任何衍生作品的所有權及知識產權。未經我們書面同意,您不得擅自使用、修改、複製、公開傳播、改變、散佈、發行或公開發表我們平臺上的任何內容。

  • 6.2 我們享有EngageLab開發者服務SDK及其所有元素和組件,包括但不限於著作、圖片、檔案、資訊、資料、網站架構、網站畫面的安排、網頁設計、SDK、SPI、數據、技術、軟體、代碼、用戶介面以及與其相關的任何衍生作品的所有權及知識產權,我們有權將EngageLab開發者服務SDK軟體包或其他相關技術文檔用於本協議約定之外的目的。未經我們書面同意,您不得複製、模仿、修改、翻譯、改編、出借、出售、轉許可、在資訊網絡上傳播或轉讓我們的服務和/或相關軟體,也不得對EngageLab開發者服務SDK軟體包進行盜用、反編譯、反彙編、分解拆卸、惡意攻擊及其它任何危害我們及他人安全與權益的行為,或將EngageLab開發者服務SDK軟體包或其他相關技術文檔用於本協議約定之外的目的。

  • 6.3 您同意我們在商業宣傳我們的合作夥伴過程中使用您的名稱、商號、商標、logo、功能變數名稱等商業標識以及把與您的合作內容作為客戶案例進行宣傳推廣。在任何情況下,我們雙方均不得從事可能影響雙方合作或者侵犯對方名譽、知識產權、隱私等合法權益的事宜。

  • 6.4 您不得刪除、毀損、掩蓋、修改產品上EngageLab或其關聯方的版權聲明、商標或其他專有標誌等。

  • 6.5 我們享有EngageLab平臺運營數據的所有權利,包括但不限於登錄資訊、操作記錄、服務訂購等數據。未經我們書面同意,您不得擅自保存、使用或授權他人使用前述數據。

  • 6.6 對於我們為您提供服務過程中使用、收集的數據,您同意並授權我們在全球範圍內享有永久的、免費的、非專有的、允許轉許可的權利,包括不限於我們使用前述數據進行宏觀分析,並將分析結果發佈或分享給第三方等.

  • 6.7 您同意,您使用您的EngageLab賬號,不會侵犯任何人的任何第三人的合法權利,包括知識產權。未經所有權所有者的事先書面同意,您不得上傳、發佈、修改、分發或複製屬於他人的任何受版權保護的材料、商標或其他專有資訊。在我們收到版權人或其代理人的適當通知,並通過我們的調查確認指控的有效性後,我們將刪除任何侵犯版權的內容。

  • 6.8 未經EngageLab事先書面同意,您無權使用EngageLab的任何知識產權,您確認並尊重EngageLab的知識產權。您不得在任何司法管轄區或以任何方式申請與EngageLab或其關聯公司相同或相似的商標、功能變數名稱、網站名稱、標識、商號或任何與EngageLab或其關聯公司商標相似的品牌特徵用於任何行銷、廣告、促銷或其他目的,無論是以您自己的名義還是通過促使第三方這樣做,您也不應允許任何第三方這樣做。如果您這樣做,您應自費將所有相關權利轉讓給EngageLab。

7 本協議的修改

EngageLab可能需要根據法律法規的頒佈、互聯網的發展以及公司經營狀況和經營戰略的調整,不時對本協議及各項規則進行修訂。我們會以適當的方式將新協議通知您,您可以在相關服務頁面查看最新版本的協議條款。 修改後的協議和規則一經公佈,即刻生效,成為本協議不可分割的一部分。如果您不同意修改後的條款,您應立即停止使用我們的服務。 您繼續訪問或使用我們的服務,即視為您接受修改後的協議。

8 期限和終止

  • 8.1 本協議自您接受之日起生效,除非根據本協議終止,否則將一直有效。

  • 8.2 儘管有第 8.1 條的規定,您在首次使用我們的服務時將被視為已接受本協議,除非根據本協議終止。

  • 8.3 如果我們真誠地認為您違反或不符合以下規定,我們保留隨時以任何理由暫停或終止您使用EngageLab賬號和其他EngageLab服務的權利,無需承擔任何責任或事先通知。

  • 8.4 在版權人或其代理人適當通知並確認用戶已將我們的服務用作非法侵犯版權的工具後,我們將終止侵權用戶使用和/或訪問我們服務的權利。

9 隱私保護


10 適用法律和爭議解決

  • 10.1 本協議條款的效力和解釋適用新加坡的法律。

  • 10.2 用戶與EngageLab同意,因使用本服務產生的任何爭議,應通過協商解決。任何無法通過協商解決的法律糾紛,將受EngageLab平臺公司所在地司法管轄地法院的管轄。

11 附加條款

  • 11.1 回饋

    11.1.1 如果您向我們提供有關我們服務的任何回饋或建議(“回饋”),您將所有對回饋的權利轉讓給我們,並同意我們將有權以我們認為適當的任何方式使用回饋和相關資訊.我們會將您提供給我們的任何回饋視為非機密和非專有資訊。

    11.1.2 您同意不會向我們提交您認為屬於機密或專有的任何資訊。

  • 11.2 通知

    您同意提供在EngageLab註冊EngageLab賬號服務所需的準確且最新的聯繫資訊(包括您的電話號碼和電子郵件地址)。您進一步同意保持此類資訊的準確性和最新性。 您承認並同意,EngageLab可以通過電子郵件或其他方式向您發送通信和通知,這些通信和通知可能會告知您影響您在本協議項下的權利和責任的變更。您有責任定期檢查這些更新。 您理解並承認 (a) 未能提供或更新準確的聯繫資訊可能會阻止通知送達您,並且 (b) 您對因未成功發送通知而遭受的任何損失或損害承擔全部責任。

  • 11.3 可分割性

    11.3.1 本協議部分條款因故不能適用的,其他所有條款仍然有效,對雙方均有約束力。

最後更新於 2022 年 09 月 30 日

Welcome to EngageLab account!

The User Agreement between you and Metaverse Cloud PTE. LTD. and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “EngageLab”, “we”, “our” or “us”) is applicable to your creation and use of an EngageLab account. An EngageLab user service agreement includes the Developer’s Document, EngageLab Privacy Policy, and relevant operating prompts and rules displayed on the EngageLab platform. The User Agreement between you and Metaverse Cloud PTE. LTD. and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “EngageLab”, “we”, “our” or “us”) is applicable to your creation and use of an EngageLab account. An EngageLab user service agreement includes the Developer’s Document, EngageLab Privacy Policy, and relevant operating prompts and rules displayed on the EngageLab platform.

By creating an account and using our services, you agree to accept and be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

1. Introduction of EngageLab Account

  • 1.1 EngageLab authorizes you to create, log in and use the EngageLab account and related services through this Agreement. All EngageLab accounts are the property of EngageLab. You have the right to use your EngageLab account as the account creator.

    1.2 Through the EngageLab account, you may access the products and services provided by EngageLab, including but not limited to sending emails and SMS to your end users, and using SDK Web push service and in-App message push service. You agree that when you use any specific service, you accept and are bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the relevant service agreements for such specific service.

2. Account Creation and Use

  • 2.1 Account Creation

    2.1.1 Before creating or using an EngageLab account, you must confirm that you have reached the age of majority in your country or region.

    2.1.2 You may register to create an EngageLab account. Please enter the EngageLab account registration page, read and agree to the EngageLab Account User Agreement, and follow the instructions on the page. You agree to provide true, accurate and complete information about yourself at the time of registration. EngageLab shall not be liable for any problems arising from inaccurate or incorrect registration information or failure to update user information. You may find and update your account details in the account settings. ou should register for your account with your real identity. If there is any illegal or inappropriate content in your profile, including your nickname and profile photo, you will not be able to register for an EngageLab account. If you include any false, illegal or inappropriate content in your profile, EngageLab may correct the information within a limited time or suspend or terminate your account without prior notice. After you fill in the information according to the prompts on the registration page, read and agree to the terms of this Agreement, and complete all registration procedures, you will get an EngageLab account and become an EngageLab user.

  • 2.2 Use of Your Account

    2.2.1 You shall assume responsibility for all activities occurring on or through your account and the consequences thereof, including but not limited to accepting specific service terms, sharing and disclosing information, and purchasing products and services.

    2.2.2 Your EngageLab account is for your use only. Your account information includes your personal details and business information of EngageLab. Without the consent of EngageLab, you may not directly or indirectly allow a third party to use your EngageLab account or access your account information. If we judge that the use of your EngageLab account may endanger your account security and/or the information security of EngageLab according to the breach determination procedures and standards stipulated in the platform rules of EngageLab, EngageLab may refuse to provide corresponding services or terminate this Agreement.

    2.2.3 When you log in to EngageLab with a third-party account, your third-party account will be bound to your EngageLab account. We will use your information shared by any third party with your consent, such as the profile photo of the third-party account linked. This Agreement applies to all your use of your EngageLab account.

  • 2.3 Account, Password and Security

    2.3.1 EngageLab account consists of account name and password. Please keep your account information safe. You shall bear any loss caused by your active disclosure or theft by others of the information. If your account information is lost due to personal reasons, please provide the corresponding information according to the recovery process for EngageLab accounts, and ensure that the information provided is legal, true and valid. If the information provided does not meet the requirements and cannot pass the security verification, we shall have the right to refuse to provide the account recovery service.

    2.3.2 If your currently used EngageLab account is not initially registered by you or not obtained through other channels provided by EngageLab, but you know the password of the account, please contact us or the account creator immediately and stop using or logging in to the account.

  • 2.4 Account Transfer

    2.4.1 You may use your EngageLab account within the scope specified in this Agreement. You must not create an EngageLab account for malicious purposes. You must not give, lend, rent, transfer, sell, give away for free or otherwise grant access to your EngageLab account to others. EngageLab reserves the right to independently evaluate and respond to the above acts. You shall bear any liability arising therefrom. EngageLab reserves the right to take legal action against violators of the above acts. All liabilities arising therefrom shall be borne by you.

    2.4.2 EngageLab has the right to take the following measures according to this Agreement and relevant laws and regulations:

    • If you violate laws and regulations, or certain terms or operating principles of EngageLab, EngageLab shall have the right to make independent judgments and require corrections within a specified time limit, or suspend or terminate your EngageLab account at any time, and decide whether to resume your use of the account according to the actual situation.

    • If EngageLab discovers that you are not the original registrant of the EngageLab account, EngageLab reserves the right to terminate your use of the account without prior notice.

    • EngageLab reserves the right to correct, suspend or terminate your EngageLab account within a specified time limit. Any loss (including but not limited to communication interruption, loss of user data, etc.) caused to you thereby shall be borne by you.

  • 2.5 Account Recovery

    In order to prevent inefficient resource allocation, if you do not use your EngageLab account or do not log in to your EngageLab account through other methods approved by EngageLab for 24 consecutive months, EngageLab reserves the right to cancel your EngageLab account and you will no longer be able to log in to your EngageLab account or use the relevant services. EngageLab will provide reasonable assistance in processing transactions or balances pending in your EngageLab account. To do so, you should follow the instructions and notices provided by EngageLab.

  • 2.6 Account Security

    2.6.1 Your EngageLab account shall be created, set up and used by you. We recommend that you take specific measures to protect your account security, including but not limited to installation of anti-virus software and regular change of your passwords.

    2.6.1 Your EngageLab account shall be created, set up and used by you. We recommend that you take specific measures to protect your account security, including but not limited to installation of anti-virus software and regular change of your passwords.

  • 2.7 Account Cancellation

    2.7.1 You can only apply for cancellation of your EngageLab account. If you need to cancel your EngageLab account, you may do so according to the procedures specified by EngageLab.

    2.7.2 Please note that when you cancel your account, EngageLab will permanently delete all data related to the account, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations. The account will also cease to be associated with any third-party account.

3. Rights and Responsibilities of Both Parties

  • 3.1 Our Rights and Responsibilities

    3.1.1 If we reach a cooperative relationship with you, we agree that you invoke EngageLab SDK in your App to thus provide you with the necessary technical support (including documents and instructions on the integration and use of EngageLab SDK so that your application can be successfully configured with EngageLab SDK). 3.1.1 If we reach a cooperative relationship with you, we agree that you invoke EngageLab SDK in your App to thus provide you with the necessary technical support (including documents and instructions on the integration and use of EngageLab SDK so that your application can be successfully configured with EngageLab SDK).

    3.1.2 If, as required by law, we need to delete the models and data that you attach to our platform, we shall have the right to delete the relevant information of you.

    3.1.3 We are responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of EngageLab SDK, and elimination of faults in time, except for those caused by your own reasons and/or force majeure and those beyond our control.

    3.1.4 When you find that your App cannot normally invoke and integrate EngageLab SDK through the EngageLab platform, please inform us immediately. After receiving your feedback, we will actively cooperate with you in debugging.

    3.1.5 When we find that you are improperly integrating or using EngageLab SDK, we will notify you via email before taking appropriate action, but we reserve the right to respond without notifying you, including but not limited to restricting client access, API invocation, login to the website management platform, and push of certain content, and controlling the use of and access to certain services.

    3.1.6 We shall have the right to adjust the scope of services provided to you due to business development needs or laws and regulations. We will inform you within a reasonable time before the adjustment.

    3.1.7 In order to avoid the risk of data leakage, we will take a variety of physical, electronic and management security measures in line with industry standards to protect the personal information we collect about you and your end users.

  • 3.2 Your Rights and Responsibilities

    3.2.1 You should fully and completely read EngageLab Privacy Policy. During the cooperation period, you shall correctly integrate EngageLab SDK in your App and/or back-end services according to the documents, instructions and technical support provided by us, and bear the development work and cost thereof; you acknowledge and agree that if it is not properly integrated and/or used, its functions may not work as expected, and even we may limit and/or terminate the provision of services for the App due to its incorrect use. You shall be responsible for the impact and loss caused thereby.

    3.2.2 You can only integrate our corresponding SDK services in your App. If you integrate our SDK in other applications beyond the scope as specified in the Agreement, we shall have the right to stop providing services to you and require you to compensate for the corresponding losses.

    3.2.3 You should formulate a privacy policy for your end users that is not lower than our privacy protection standards. You should clearly list the purpose, method, scope, etc. of our service to collect and use your end user's personal information one by one in the privacy policy, and obtain your end user's express authorization and consent. Otherwise, if we do not obtain proper authorization from end users or have other defects when we provide services, resulting in damage to any third-party rights and/or our rights and interests, you should bear all the responsibilities and consequences arising therefrom.The privacy policy for your App should essentially contain the following terms: “Some of our services are provided by third-party partners, such as push service,email service,SMS service. In the process of providing such service, third-party partners (such as EngageLab) may know your personal information, and disclose the scope, purpose and use of user information they collect and the corresponding privacy policy links, etc. We will only share your information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes, and only share the information necessary for providing services. When we intend to use personal information for other purposes not specified in this Agreement, we will inform you in advance for your consent. When we intend to use the information that is collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will also inform you in advance for your consent, unless otherwise provided by national laws and regulations.

    3.2.4 You undertake that your end users are aware and agree of our collection, use and disclosure of their personal information in accordance with this Agreement and the privacy policy. If your end user makes a request as personal information subject related to EngageLab, you should first verify the identity of the personal information subject and the legality and authenticity of the request, and then contact us in time after deciding to respond to the request. After EngageLab verifies your identity and the authenticity and legality of the request, we will actively cooperate in responding to the request of the personal information subject and reply to you in time. For any appeal or complaint caused by your unilateral failure to fulfill the relevant obligations requested by the personal information subject, you shall be fully and solely responsible for the handling of the complaint or appeal and dispute resolution, and compensate us for all losses we may suffer as a result.

    3.2.5 Upon our delivery of the EngageLab SDK update program to you, you should update the product as required by us. In case of special circumstances, you should complete the upgrade of EngageLab SDK in time according to our upgrade requirements, and provide them to the end users in time. Otherwise, you shall be liable for any loss caused to you or your end users.

    3.2.6 EngageLab and you are jointly responsible for customer service of integrating EngageLab SDK and other related issues. You are solely responsible for the quality and legality of your App.

    3.2.7 You undertake and guarantee that the data and content provided by you to us have legitimate sources (including but not limited to full and effective authorization from the right holders), do not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of others (including but not limited to the right to privacy,intellectual property rights,portrait rights , personality rights, etc.), and do not violate any laws and regulations.Otherwise, you shall bear all responsibilities for any losses caused to us. In order to further guarantee the content of this paragraph, you shall provide us with relevant proof in a timely manner when necessary.

    3.2.8 You must not bypass any measures that we may use to prevent or restrict access to or protect the EngageLab platform, nor use any data mining, robot or similar data collection and extraction tools to collect or mine the EngageLab platform or user information.

    3.2.9 When using EngageLab services, you shall abide by local laws and regulations, and agree that you will not use the services or your Apps/products to engage in any activities that violate local laws, regulations and customs, nor use EngageLab services to send unwelcome or unsolicited emails, electronic advertisements, marketing promotion or messages containing illegal or harmful information such as protests, pornography, etc., nor use EngageLab services to engage in acts that endanger network security or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others or to commit crimes.

    3.2.10 You agree to indemnify EngageLab or its affiliates against any claim, demand or loss, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from or caused by any third party due to your breach of this Agreement. EngageLab shall, pursuant to the relevant service terms of this Agreement, have the right to take measures including but not limited to deleting published information, suspending license, terminating services, restricting the use of EngageLab account and holding you legally liable, depending on the nature of your acts. EngageLab will also assist in legal investigation at the request of judicial authorities.

    3.2.11 You must not reproduce, copy, sell, resell or use for any other commercial purpose any part of the EngageLab services or the use or acquisition of the EngageLab services.

    3.2.12 You shall assume all legal responsibilities for your illegal acts and violations of this Agreement in the process of using EngageLab services in the following forms, including but not limited to: a) compensation to the infringed party; b) equal compensation to EngageLab if your act causes EngageLab to bear administrative penalty or infringement damage.

    3.2.13 Under no circumstances shall EngageLab be liable to you or any third party for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages arising out of this Agreement.

4. Disclaimer

  • 4.1 EngageLab will not assume any legal liability under any of the following circumstances:

    4.1.1 EngageLab provides your personal information as required by local laws and regulations;

    4.1.2 Any disclosure of personal information caused by your abuse of the information;

    4.1.3 Any service interruption, restriction or other acts or administrative measures resulting in failure to meet user requirements due to hacker attacks, computer viruses, blocking of illegal or harassing information, government control or any other reasons related to network, technology, communication lines or information security;

    4.1.3 Any service interruption, restriction or other acts or administrative measures resulting in failure to meet user requirements due to hacker attacks, computer viruses, blocking of illegal or harassing information, government control or any other reasons related to network, technology, communication lines or information security;

    4.1.5 Risks that may arise from threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal content from anonymous or pseudonymous users during the use of EngageLab products and services;

    4.1.6 Any psychological or physiological injury or economic loss resulting from misleading or fraudulent communication with other users on any EngageLab platform;

    4.1.7 EngageLab expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the timeliness, security and accuracy of services provided by EngageLab and its partners;

    4.1.7 EngageLab expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the timeliness, security and accuracy of services provided by EngageLab and its partners;

    4.1.9 Under no circumstances will EngageLab be liable for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, including the loss of profits suffered by you as a result of using EngageLab services. Notwithstanding any conflicting terms in this Agreement, our total liability to you, for whatever reason or in any form, will not exceed the fees (if any) paid by you to EngageLab for the use of EngageLab services during the registration period.

  • 4.2 You may bind your existing third-party account to your EngageLab account. In no event shall EngageLab be liable for any loss caused to you by third parties.

5. Expenses

  • 5.1 Our services include paid services and temporarily free services, subject to the information announced on our platform. Please read the information carefully before using our services. When you use our paid services, you should make payment according to our published charging standards and methods. We may revise and change the charging standards and methods of the paid services according to the actual needs, or start charging for all and/or part of the temporarily free services. We will inform you on the EngageLab platform. Please pay attention to the relevant information or service pages. If you use paid services, you can request a bill from us.

  • 5.2 For recharge services, you may log in to your account to view the recharge, consumption and balance of your account. If you have any objection to the recharge, consumption and balance information of the account, you may provide feedback to us before the 10th day of the following month of the transaction. Otherwise, it will be deemed as default account transaction information.

6. Intellectual Property

  • 6.1 We enjoy the ownership and intellectual property rights of all content on the EngageLab platform, including but not limited to images, texts, website design, graphic arrangement and any derivative works related thereto. Without our written consent, you must not use, modify, reproduce, publicly communicate, change, disseminate, distribute or publicly publish any content on our platform.

  • 6.2 We enjoy the ownership and intellectual property rights of EngageLab SDK and all its elements and components, including but not limited to works, pictures, archives, information, materials, website structure, graphic arrangement of website, website design, SDK, SPI, data, technology, software, code, user interface and any derivative works related thereto. We have the right to use the software package of EngageLab SDK or other related technical documents for purposes other than those stipulated in this Agreement. Without our written consent, you must not copy, imitate, modify, translate, adapt, lend, sell, sub-license, spread or transfer on the information network our services and/or related software, nor steal, decompile, disassemble, decompose or maliciously attack the software package of EngageLab SDK or commit any other acts that endanger the security and rights and interests of us and others, nor use the software package of EngageLab SDK or other related technical documents for purposes other than those stipulated in this Agreement.

  • 6.3 You agree that we may use your name, trade name, trademark, logo, domain name and other commercial marks in the process of commercial promotion of our partners, and promote the cooperation with you as customer cases. Under no circumstances shall either of us engage in matters that may affect our cooperation or infringe upon the reputation, intellectual property rights, privacy and other legitimate rights and interests of the other party.

  • 6.4 You must not delete, damage, cover up or modify the copyright notices, trademarks or other proprietary marks of EngageLab or its affiliates on the products.

  • 6.5 We enjoy all the rights of the operational data of EngageLab platform, including but not limited to login information, operation records, service subscription and other data. Without our written consent, you must not save, use or authorize others to use the aforementioned data.

  • 6.6 You agree and authorize us to enjoy worldwide a permanent, free, non-exclusive and sub-licensable right to the data we use and collect in the course of providing services to you, including but not limited to our use of the aforementioned data for macro analysis, and release or sharing of the analysis results to third parties.

  • 6.7 You agree that your use of your EngageLab account will not infringe the legal rights of any third party, including intellectual property rights. Without the prior written consent of the right holder, you must not upload, publish, modify, distribute or reproduce any copyrighted materials, trademarks or other proprietary information belonging to others. We will remove any copyright-infringing content after we receive appropriate notice from the copyright owner or its agent and confirm the validity of the allegation through our investigation.

  • 6.8 Without the prior written consent of EngageLab, you have no right to use any intellectual property rights of EngageLab. You confirm and respect the intellectual property rights of EngageLab. You must not, in your own name or by causing a third party, and must not allow any third party, to apply, in any jurisdiction or in any way, for trademarks, domain names, website names, logos, trade names or any brand features similar to the trademarks of EngageLab or its affiliates for any marketing, advertising, promotional or other purposes. If you do so, you shall transfer all relevant rights to EngageLab at your own cost.

7. Amendments to this Agreement

EngageLab may need to amend this Agreement and various rules from time to time according to the promulgation of laws and regulations, the development of the Internet and the adjustment of the Company’s operating conditions and strategies. We will inform you of the new agreement in an appropriate manner. You may view the terms of the latest version of the Agreement on the relevant service page. The amended Agreement and rules shall take effect immediately upon publication and become an integral part of this Agreement. If you disagree with the amended terms, you should immediately stop using our services. Your continued access to or use of our services shall be deemed to be your acceptance of the amended Agreement.

8. Term and Termination

  • 8.1 This Agreement shall take effect from the date of your acceptance and shall remain in effect unless terminated in accordance with this Agreement.

  • 8.2 Notwithstanding Article 8.1, you will be deemed to have accepted this Agreement at the first time you use our services, unless terminated according to this Agreement.

  • 8.3 We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your EngageLab account and other EngageLab services for any reason at any time without any liability or prior notice if we believe in good faith that you violate or fail to comply with the provisions herein.

  • 8.4 After the copyright owner or its agent properly notifies and confirms that a user uses our services as a tool for illegal copyright infringement, we will terminate the infringing user’s right to use and/or access our services.

9. Privacy Protection

EngageLab undertakes to protect users’ privacy in accordance with EngageLab Privacy Policy. This Agreement and EngageLab Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between you and EngageLab regarding the EngageLab account services.

10. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

  • 10.1 The validity and interpretation of the terms of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Singapore.

  • 10.2 The user and EngageLab agree that any dispute arising from the use of the EngageLab account services shall be resolved through negotiation. Where the negotiation fails, it will be subject to the jurisdiction of the court of the jurisdiction where the Company of EngageLab platform is located.

11. Additional Provisions

  • 11.1 Feedback

    11.1.1 If you provide us with any feedback or suggestions about our services (“Feedback”), it will be deemed that you transfer all rights to the Feedback to us and agree that we shall have the right to use the Feedback and related information in any way we deem appropriate. We will treat any Feedback you provide to us as non-confidential and non-proprietary information.

    11.1.2 You agree that you will not submit any information that you consider as confidential or proprietary to us.

  • 11.2 Notice

    You agree to provide accurate and up-to-date contact information (including your phone number and email address) required to register for EngageLab account service. You further agree to keep such information accurate and up-to-date. You acknowledge and agree that EngageLab may send you communications and notices by email or otherwise that may inform you of changes affecting your rights and responsibilities under this Agreement. It is your responsibility to check for such updates regularly. You acknowledge and agree that EngageLab may send you communications and notices by email or otherwise that may inform you of changes affecting your rights and responsibilities under this Agreement. It is your responsibility to check for such updates regularly.

  • 11.3 Severability

    11.3.1 If any provisions of this Agreement are not applicable for some reason, all other provisions shall remain valid and binding on both Parties.

Last updated on Sep 30, 2022