

อัพเดทล่าสุด :2023-03-14

When you manage your contacts, it's easy to send marketing email.

Creat a  campaign

To create a campaign, you need to do the following.

  1. Determine the recipient of the message. You can select List\Tag\Segment.
  2. Determine the  domain name and API_USER.
  3. Fill in the API_USER's API_KEY.
  4. Fill in From Name.
  5. Fill in From Address.
  6. The  template corresponding to the content to be sent. Templates can be created in "Send - Templates".
  7. Set whether Google Analytics Tracking is on and the corresponding parameters
  8. Set the execution time .Please choose the right time zone.

Google Analytics Tracking

If your email contains hyperlinks and the corresponding landing page supports Google analysis, you can turn on this switch.

Parameters that can be filled in

  • Campaign Name stand for Google Analytics - utm_campaign
  • Campaign Source stand for Google Analytics - utm_source
  • Campaign Medium stand for Google Analytics - utm_medium
  • Campaign Term  stand for Google Analytics - utm_term
  • Campaign Content  stand for Google Analytics - utm_content

When you open Google Analytics Tracking, EngageLab  will add parameters to the original email link according to the data you fill in.

For example: a link in the content of an email  https://email.engagelab.com After treatment, it will become  https:/email.engagelab.com?utm_campaign=XX&utm_source=__NAME__&utm_medium=email&utm_term=xx&utm_content=xxxxx

Warm Up Sending

If you want to improve the delivery rate of mailboxes such as gmail.com \ yahoo.com and reduce the failure of returning over quota, you can turn this switch on.

Before you establish a good reputation with your mailbox, even if you send high-quality subscriptions in a short time, they will be rejected or marked as spam by the mailbox provider. In this case, such problems can be avoided by controlling the transmission rate and gradually increasing the transmission volume.

When you decide to use warm-up sending, you can select an initial rate, and then EngageLab  will pay close attention to the delivery rate. When the delivery rate is above 85%, the rate will be increased every 24 hours; Conversely, the rate will be reduced every 24 hours.

Rate Table

Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Hourly 100 250 500 650 800 1k 1.4k 2k 2.5k 3.5k 5k 8k 12k 17.5k 25k
Daily 1k 2.5k 5k 6.5k 8k 10k 14k 20k 25k 35k 50k 80k 120k 175k 250k

State fo Campaign

Waiting : Campaign has not reached execution time, waiting for execution. In this state, you can modify or delete the campaign.

Sending: Campaign mail is being sent. In this state, you can view campaign reports.

Failure : Campaign initiate failed. For specific reasons, you can view the campaign details, and the message will tell you the reason for the start failure.

Common causes of failure:

  • The number of e-mails available in the account is insufficient.
  • Daily quota is insufficient.
  • Authentication failed. The API_KEY was modified before the campaign started.

Report of Campaign


Provide the overall sending progress data, and support to view the sending status of the top five receiving domains.


Statistics for you the task to open, click, unsubscribe, complaints and other data.


  • Distribution and ranking of l reading locations.
  • Click on email links and reading conversion rate.
  • The Equipment, Browser, operating system, device end and wireless brand used when reading e-mail

The following data can be exported from the upper right corner of the task report

  • Domain  dimension statistics
  • Email tracking details
  • Email failure details