App Settings

อัพเดทล่าสุด :2022-12-05

App Info

Go to [App Settings] - [App Info] page, you can view detailed application information such as the application package name and AppKey.

  • The application package name and AppKey can be used for SDK integration, and the AppKey and Master Secret can be used for API calls.
  • Click "Edit" to change the application name or delete the application, click "Show" to view the Master Secret.
  • Click "Reset" to regenerate the Master Secret. After resetting, you need to change the authentication parameters of the Rest API in time. Otherwise, the call will fail. Please use the "Reset" function with caution.


Integration settings

Enter a domain name.Web push only supports HTTPS protocol; Please do not enter any address other than the home page address as the domain name address. image.png

Notification Authorization Configuration

Notifications can only be displayed after the user agrees to the notification authorization on the web. Currently, three methods are supported:** Directly Apply**, Guide to Apply, and Custom.To apply for Web push permission, if the user refuses to grant permission, it is unable to apply it again. It is strongly recommended to inform the user of the value of notification through the "Guide to Apply" before applying for Web push permission

Directly Apply

Direct application means directly calling the browser's informed authorization interface. If the user agrees, the notification will be displayed. If the user refuses to authorize, it will no longer be able to do so.

  • Delay * seconds: It means that after the visitor opens your website, the subscription request will be displayed according to the delay time you configured.
    • For example, if 0 is configured, it means display subscription request immediately; If it is configured to be 5, it means the subscription will be delayed for 5 seconds.
  • visits: Indicates that you can require users to subscribe the web push notifications when repeatedly visiting your website.
    • For example, if the configuration is 1, it means the subscription request will be displayed for the first visit; If it is configured to be 3, it means the subscription request will be displayed for the third visit.


Guide to Apply

  • You can set soft prompts to inform users of the value of notifications, and then call up browser notification authorization after user authorization, which can effectively improve the authorization rate of user notification permissions.
  • Engagelab provides pre-built templates that allow users to customize the authorization title, authorization content, primary button, dismiss button, prompt icon, prompt location, and pop up time.


Custom If you select the custom mode, you need to customize the page pop-up style on your Web site, and tell the system that it belongs to your custom style by the following methods:image.png
