Android SDK

Last updated:2024-05-08

MT Android SDK v4.4.0

Update time

  • July 05, 2024


  • Fixed the issue with displaying large images in FCM notifications while the app is in the foreground.

MT Android SDK v4.3.9

Update time

  • May 27, 2024


  • Supports automatic adaptation of AppKey's data center nodes.
  • Function optimization and known bug fixes.

MT Android SDK v4.3.8

Update time

  • May 08, 2024


  • Added support for voice broadcasting of push content. It is suitable for various push scenarios such as "payment announcement" and "bus arrival announcement".
  • Remove Xiaomi overseas SDK (Xiaomi overseas channel has stopped serving).
  • Function optimization and known bug fixes.

Update Guide

  • How to enable voice broadcast: call MTPushPrivatesApi.setEnablePushTextToSpeech(this,true) before init;

MT Android SDK v4.3.7

Update Date

  • March 08, 2024


  • New support for data nodes in Frankfurt, Germany.

MT Android SDK v4.3.6

Update Date

  • January 19, 2024


  • Enhanced security update for the SDK.

MT Android SDK v4.3.5

Update time

  • November 13, 2023

Change Log

  • Optimized the structure of mobile phone manufacturer SDK packages.
  • Function optimization and known bug fixes.

MT Android SDK v4.3.4

Update time

  • October 23, 2023

Change Log

  • Solve the problem of Honor device prompting "cannot operate normally".
  • Function optimization and known bug fixes.

MT Android SDK v4.3.3

Update time

  • October 16, 2023

Change Log

  • Function optimization and known bug fixes.

MT Android SDK v4.3.2

Update time

  • October 11, 2023

Change Log

  • Function optimization and known bug fixes.

MT Android SDK v4.3.1

Update time

  • September 14, 2023

change log

  • Supports the function of customizing whether to display push messages in the front desk.
  • Adapt to Huawei's latest news classification rules.
  • Android supports local notifications.
  • Function optimization and known bug fixes.

MT Android SDK v4.3.0

update time

  • August 23, 2023

change log

  • Support configuration data center function.
  • Support developers to set user device language (configUserLanguage).
  • Compatible with Android 14 system.
  • Adapt to the latest manufacturer's SDK.
  • Function optimization and known bug fixes.

MT Android SDK v3.6.0

update time

  • August 1, 2023

change log

  • Upgrade fcm version to 23.1.2.
  • Support notification time display.
  • Function optimization and known bug fixes.

MT Android SDK v3.5.0

update time

  • May 15, 2023

change log

  • Support tag/alias push

MT Android SDK v3.4.0

update time

  • April 10, 2023

change log

  • Fix known bugs.
  • The intent field code supports deeplink.
  • The data carried by intent or deeplink is changed from object to json data.

MT Android SDK v3.3.0

update time

  • April 4, 2023

change log

  • Android 13 adaptation.
  • setTcpSSl interface is open (whether the persistent connection is an encrypted interface).
  • active_terminate report data optimization (duration data).
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