Applicable version
The version of MTPush iOS SDK matched in this paper is v3.0.0 or later.
Set up data center
Function Description
This feature is used to match the data center you selected in the EngageLab Portal. Please make sure that the data center you set is consistent with the one selected on the portal. If not set, the SDK will use the default Singapore data center node.
In v4.3.5 and later versions, this interface is invalid. Developers do not need to manually call this interface to set up the data center. The SDK will automatically match the corresponding data center based on the appkey.
Supported versions
Starting version supported: v4.3.0
Invalid version
Version starting to expire: v4.3.5
Interface definition
- (void)setSiteName:(NSString *)siteName;
Parameter Description
- Name of data center
Call instructions
Please call this interface before calling the initialization interface (setupWithOption:channel:apsForProduction:advertisingIdentifier).
Tags and Aliases API (iOS)
Function Description
Reminder, please pay attention to handling the callback result when setting the tag alias.
Only if the return value of callback is 0, the setting is successful and the push can be made to the target. Otherwise the server API returns a 1011 error. All callback functions run on the main thread.
Several related APIs are provided for manipulating aliases and tags.
These APIs can be called anywhere in the App.
alias alias
An alias is used to identify users who have installed the application. This alias can be used to specify when pushing messages to this user in the future. Only one alias can be specified per user.
It is recommended to use different aliases for different users in the same application. This way, users are uniquely identified by their aliases whenever possible.
Example: In a game where a user wants to log in, the alias may be set as userid. When the game is in operation, if it is found that the user has not played the game for 3 days, the server-side API is called according to the userid to send a notification to the client to remind the user.
Tag tag
Label users who have installed the app. Its purpose is mainly to facilitate developers to send Push messages in batches according to tags.
Multiple tags are available for each user.
Example: game, old_page, women
Add tags
Call this API to add tags and return the result in a block
Note: This interface is to add logic, not to override logic
Supported versions
The supported version: v3.5.0.
Interface definition
+ (void)addTags:(NSSet<NSString *> *)tags
Parameter Description
- Cannot set nil or empty collection ([NSSet set])
- The collection member type is required to be NSString type
- Set at least one tag per call
- Valid tag composition: letters (case-sensitive), numbers, underscores, Chinese characters, special characters @!#$&*+=.|
- Restriction: The length of each tag name is limited to 40 bytes, and a maximum of 1000 tags can be set, but the total length cannot exceed 5 K bytes. (Utf-8 encoding is required to determine the length)
- A single device supports up to 1000 tags. There is no limit to the number of App global tags
- Used for callback to return the corresponding parameter tags. And return the corresponding status code: 0 means success, please refer to the error code definition for other return codes. seq is the session serial number passed in when calling
* The serial number passed in during the request will be returned as it is when the callback is made
override tags
Call this API to set the label and return the result in a block
Note: This interface is to cover logic, not add logic. Calling this interface will overwrite all the previously set labels
Supported versions
The supported version: v3.5.0.
Interface definition
+ (void)setTags:(NSSet<NSString *> *)tags
Parameter Description
- Cannot set nil or empty collection ([NSSet set])
- The collection member type is required to be NSString type
- Set at least one tag per call
- Valid label composition: letters (case-sensitive), numbers, underscores, Chinese characters, special characters @!#$&*+=.|
- Restriction: The length of each tag name is limited to 40 bytes, and a maximum of 1000 tags can be set, but the total length cannot exceed 5 K bytes. (Utf-8 encoding is required to determine the length)
- A single device supports up to 1000 tags. There is no limit to the number of App global tags
- Used for callback to return the corresponding parameter tags. And return the corresponding status code: 0 means success, please refer to the error code definition for other return codes. seq is the session serial number passed in when calling
* The serial number passed in during the request will be returned as it is when the callback is made
Remove tags
Call this API to delete a tag, return the result in a block
Supported versions
The supported version: v3.5.0.
Interface definition
+ (void)deleteTags:(NSSet<NSString *> *)tags
Parameter Description
- Cannot set nil or empty collection ([NSSet set])
- The collection member type is required to be NSString type
- Each call deletes at least one tag
- Valid label composition: letters (case-sensitive), numbers, underscores, Chinese characters, special characters @!#$&*+=.|
- Restriction: The length of each tag name is limited to 40 bytes, and a maximum of 1000 tags can be deleted, but the total length cannot exceed 5K bytes. (Utf-8 encoding is required to determine the length)
- The callback returns the corresponding parameter tags. And return the corresponding status code: 0 means success, please refer to the error code definition for other return codes. seq is the session serial number passed in when calling
* The serial number passed in during the request will be returned as it is when the callback is made
Empty tags
Call this API to clear all tags, return the result in a block
Supported versions
The supported version: v3.5.0.
Interface definition
+ (void)cleanTags:(MTPushTagsOperationCompletion)completion
Parameter Description
- The tags returned by the callback are nil. Return the corresponding status code: 0 means success, please refer to the error code definition for other return codes. seq is the session serial number passed in when calling
* The serial number passed in during the request will be returned as it is when the callback is made
query tags
Call this API to get all tags, return the result in block
Supported versions
The supported version: v3.5.0.
Interface definition
+ (void)getAllTags:(MTPushTagsOperationCompletion)completion
Parameter Description
- The tags returned by the callback are the query results. Return the corresponding status code: 0 means success, please refer to the error code definition for other return codes. seq is the session serial number passed in when calling
* The serial number passed in during the request will be returned as it is when the callback is made
Validate tags
Call this API to verify whether the target tag has been set
Supported versions
The supported version: v3.5.0.
Interface definition
+ (void)validTag:(NSString *)tag
Parameter Description
- Cannot set nil or empty string
- Valid label composition: letters (case-sensitive), numbers, underscores, Chinese characters, special characters @!#$&*+=.|
- Restriction: The length of each tag name is limited to 40 bytes (UTF-8 encoding is required to determine the length)
- The callback returns the corresponding parameter tag. And return the corresponding status code: 0 means success, please refer to the error code definition for other return codes. seq is the session serial number passed in when calling
- Check the isBind property in the callback to see if it has been set, YES means it has been set
* The serial number passed in during the request will be returned as it is when the callback is made
Tags Block
typedef void (^MTPushTagsOperationCompletion)(NSInteger iResCode, NSSet *iTags, NSInteger seq); typedef void (^MTPushTagValidOperationCompletion)(NSInteger iResCode, NSSet *iTags, NSInteger seq, BOOL isBind);
set alias
Call this API to set an alias
Supported versions
The supported version: v3.5.0.
Interface definition
+ (void)setAlias:(NSString *)alias
Parameter Description
-alias - Cannot set nil or empty string @"" - Each call sets the effective alias, overriding previous settings - Valid aliases: letters (case-sensitive), numbers, underscores, Chinese characters, special characters @!#$&*+=.| - Restrictions: The length of alias names is limited to 40 bytes. (Utf-8 encoding is required to determine the length)
- The callback returns the corresponding parameter alias. And return the corresponding status code: 0 means success, please refer to the error code definition for other return codes. seq is the session serial number passed in when calling
* The serial number passed in during the request will be returned as it is when the callback is made
Remove aliases
Call this API to delete an alias, return the result in a block
Supported versions
The supported version: v3.5.0.
Interface definition
+ (void)deleteAlias:(MTPushAliasOperationCompletion)completion
Parameter Description
- The tags returned by the callback are nil. Return the corresponding status code: 0 means success, please refer to the error code definition for other return codes. seq is the session serial number passed in when calling
* The serial number passed in during the request will be returned as it is when the callback is made
Query aliases
Call this API to query the current alias and return the result in a block
Supported versions
The supported version: v3.5.0.
Interface definition
+ (void)getAlias:(MTPushAliasOperationCompletion)completion
Parameter Description
- The tags returned by the callback are the query results. Return the corresponding status code: 0 means success, please refer to the error code definition for other return codes. seq is the session serial number passed in when calling
* The serial number passed in during the request will be returned as it is when the callback is made
Alias Block
typedef void (^MTPushAliasOperationCompletion)(NSInteger iResCode, NSString *iAlias, NSInteger seq);
Get the APNs (notification) push content
Function description
The iOS device receives a push notification (APNs). When the user clicks the push notification to open the application, the application processes according to different states. Needs add the following two methods in the AppDelegate to obtain the apn content.
- If the state of the App is not running, this function will be called, if launchOptions include UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey means that the app is launched by user clicking the apns notification. If there is no this key value, it means that the App is not started by clicking apn, but may be started by directly clicking icon or other.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
// apn Content acquisition:
NSDictionary *remoteNotification = [launchOptions objectForKey: UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey]
- On iOS 6 and below, this function is called when the App is in the foreground or when a notification message is clicked in the notification bar. You can also determine whether the application is running in the foreground by checking whether the AppDelegate's applicationState is UIApplicationStateActive. Such cases are handled in this function:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo;
- Based on iOS 7 or later, if the Remote Notification feature of iOS 7 is used, the processing function needs to use:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler;
- Based on the iOS 10 and above version of the system, the original [application: didReceiveRemoteNotification:] will be discarded by the system,
By the new UserNotifications Framework of [UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate willPresentNotification: withCompletionHandler:] Or [UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate didReceiveNotificationResponse: withCompletionHandler:] to replace. In the current version or later, you can implement the MTPushRegisterDelegate protocol method encapsulated by the SDK and adapt to the newly added delegate protocol method in iOS10. Namely, the following two methods:
- (void)mtpushNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(NSInteger))completionHandler;
// NSDictionary * userInfo = notification.request.content.userInfo;
// The APNs content is userInfo
- (void)mtpNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler;
// NSDictionary * userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo;
// The APNs content is userInfo
The sample code
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo {
// Obtain the APNs standard information content
NSDictionary *aps = [userInfo valueForKey:@"aps"];
NSString *content = [aps valueForKey:@"alert"]; //Push the displayed content
NSInteger badge = [[aps valueForKey:@"badge"] integerValue]; //The badge number
NSString *sound = [aps valueForKey:@"sound"]; //The sound played
// Gets the Extras field content
NSString *customizeField1 = [userInfo valueForKey:@"customizeExtras"]; //Extras field on the server, key is defined by itself
NSLog(@"content =[%@], badge=[%d], sound=[%@], customize field =[%@]",content,badge,sound,customizeField1);
// iOS 10 以下 Required
[MTPushService handleRemoteNotification:userInfo];
//iOS 7 Remote Notification
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification: (NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler {
NSLog(@"this is iOS7 Remote Notification");
// iOS 10 以下 Required
[MTPushService handleRemoteNotification:userInfo];
#pragma mark- MTPushRegisterDelegate // MTPushRegisterDelegate was added in 2.1.9. The following two methods need to be implemented
// iOS 10 Support
- (void)mtpNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(NSInteger))completionHandler {
// Required
NSDictionary * userInfo = notification.request.content.userInfo;
if([notification.request.trigger isKindOfClass:[UNPushNotificationTrigger class]]) {
[MTPushService handleRemoteNotification:userInfo];
else {
// Local notifications
completionHandler(UNNotificationPresentationOptionAlert); // To execute this method, choose whether to Alert the user or not. There are three types of Badge, Sound, and alert that can be set
// iOS 10 Support
- (void)mtpNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler: (void (^)())completionHandler {
// Required
NSDictionary * userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo;
if([response.notification.request.trigger isKindOfClass:[UNPushNotificationTrigger class]]) {
[MTPushService handleRemoteNotification:userInfo];
else {
// Local notifications
completionHandler(); // The system requires this method to be executed
- Based on iOS12 or above, UserNotifications Framework of new callback methods [userNotificationCenter: openSettingsForNotification:], in 3.1.1 and above version MTPushRegisterDelegate also added the corresponding callback methods. This method is called back when the application is accessed from the external notification screen or notification Settings screen.
// iOS 12 Support
- (void)mtpNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center openSettingsForNotification:(UNNotification *)notification{
if (notification) {
//Enter the application directly from the notification screen
//Enter the application directly from the notification screen
Reference documentation:Handling Local and Remote Notifications
Get the content of the custom message push
Function description
- Custom messages are pushed only when the front end is running.
- Get the custom message content and title and additional fields from the MTPush server.
Implementation method
Getting push content from iOS requires registering notifications in the delegate class and implementing callback methods.
In the method - (BOOL) application: (UIApplication) application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary) launchOptions add the following code:
NSNotificationCenter *defaultCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[defaultCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(networkDidReceiveMessage:) name:kMTCNetworkDidReceiveMessageNotification object:nil];
Implement the callback method networkDidReceiveMessage
- (void)networkDidReceiveMessage:(NSNotification *)notification {
NSDictionary * userInfo = [notification userInfo];
NSString *content = [userInfo valueForKey:@"content"];
NSString *messageID = [userInfo valueForKey:@"_j_msgid"];
NSDictionary *extras = [userInfo valueForKey:@"extras"];
NSString *customizeField1 = [extras valueForKey:@"customizeField1"]; //The Extras extra field passed by the server, the key is self-defined
Parameters description
- content:Get the content of the push
- messageID:Get the push messageID (key: @"_j_msgid")
- extras:Get user-defined parameters
- customizeField1:Obtain a customized value based on the customized key
For more information, refer to the demo in the SDK download package.
Get RegistrationID
RegistrationID definition
The first time an application integrated with the MTPush SDK successfully registers with the MTPush server, the MTPush server returns to the client a unique identifier for the device - RegistrationID. The MTPush SDK sends the RegistrationID as a broadcast to the application.
An application can save this RegistrationID on its application server and then push messages or notifications to the device based on the RegistrationID.
Get registrationID (with block)
The interface definition
+ (void)registrationIDCompletionHandler:(void(^)(int resCode,NSString *registrationID))completionHandler;
Parameters description
- (void(^)(int resCode,NSString *registrationID))completionHandler
- completionHandler: Used to process the return result of the Settings
- resCode: Return the result status code
- registrationID: Returns the registrationID
[MTPushService registrationIDCompletionHandler:^(int resCode, NSString *registrationID) {
NSLog(@"resCode : %d,registrationID: %@",resCode,registrationID);
Warm tips: It is recommended that you use this interface to get the registrationID. Calling this interface in the emulator resCode returns 1011 and the registrationID returns nil.
Get registrationID
Call this API to get the RegistrationID for the application. The corresponding value is returned only if the application successfully registers with MTPush's server, otherwise an empty string is returned.
The interface definition
+(NSString *)registrationID
Warm tips: On iOS 9, applications are uninstalled and reinstalled. The devicetoken returned by APNs will change. The developer needs to obtain the latest Registration id of the device. , please call "RegistrationID" this interface in kMTCNetworkDidLoginNotification implementation method to obtain RegistrationID.
Additional instructions
Push messages and notifications through the RegistrationID
Notifications and messages can be pushed using the RegistrationID. The audience parameter can be pushed based on the RegistrationID.
Set the Badge
Function description
badge is a number used by iOS to mark the status of an app. It appears in the upper right corner of the app icon. MTPush encapsulates the badge function, allowing applications to upload badge values to the MTPush server. The MTPush background helps to manage the corresponding push badge values for each user, simplifying the operation of setting push badge.
In practice, developers can directly add or subtract badge values without having to maintain the relationship between users and badge values. To push messages, simply set corner sign +1, EngageLab will automatically +1 on each user's badge value stored in the server and then down to the user.
Set the badge
Sets the badge value stored in the MTPush server
The interface definition
+ (BOOL)setBadge:(int)value
Parameters description
- value The value ranges from 0 to 99999.
Local must still be called UIApplication: setApplicationIconBadgeNumber function Settings icon is displayed on the badge
- The return value
- Return TRUE within the range of value; otherwise, return FALSE
Empty the badge
Clear the badge value stored in the MTPush server, i.e. [setBadge:0]
The interface definition
+ (void)resetBadge
Local notifications
Function description
The iOS device receives a local notification. When the user clicks the notification to open the app, the app handles the situation according to different states. Code needs to be added to the following two methods in the AppDelegate to obtain the local notification content:
- If the state of the App is not running, this function is called, if launchOptions include UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey indicates user clicks on a local notification lead to App is up and running; If there is no corresponding key value, it means that the App is not started by clicking the local notification, which may be started by directly clicking the icon or other.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
// Obtain the local notification content:NSDictionary *localNotification = [launchOptions objectForKey: UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey]
- This function is called if the App state is foreground or background running, and you can determine if the AppDelegate's applicationState is UIApplicationStateActive. Such cases are handled in this function:
// NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(4_0, 10_0, "Use UserNotifications Framework's -[UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate willPresentNotification:withCompletionHandler:] or -[UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate didReceiveNotificationResponse:withCompletionHandler:]")
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notification;
//The local notification is notification
- The above method will be deprecated in iOS 10 and above. By the new UserNotifications Framework of - [UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate willPresentNotification: withCompletionHandler:] or - [UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate didReceiveNotificationResponse: withCompletionHandler:] to replace. To this end, SDK encapsulates the MTPushRegisterDelegate protocol, which can be adapted to the newly added delegate method in iOS 10 only by implementing the corresponding protocol method, which is consistent with the above remote push callback method, namely, the following method:
- (void)mtpNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^) (NSInteger))completionHandler;
// if (![notification.request.trigger isKindOfClass:[UNPushNotificationTrigger class]]) {
// The local notification is notification
// }
- (void)mtpNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler: (void (^)())completionHandler;
// if (![response.notification.request.trigger isKindOfClass:[UNPushNotificationTrigger class]]) {
// The local notification is notification
// }
Register/update local notifications
Function description
The API is used to register or update push (iOS 10 supported and compatible with iOS 10 and below).
The interface definition
+ (void)addNotification:(MTPushNotificationRequest *)request;
Parameters description
- Request [MTPushNotificationRequest] entity type, can be introduced to push properties.
Get description
Put the request.requestIdentifier in the request as the parmameter to update the push that already have, otherwise register to a new push.
Code sample
- (void)testAddNotification {
MTPushNotificationContent *content = [[MTPushNotificationContent alloc] init];
content.title = @"Test Notifications";
content.subtitle = @"2016";
content.body = @"This is a test code";
content.badge = @1;
content.categoryIdentifier = @"Custom Category Name";
// Alert iOS 10 or later after 5s
MTPushNotificationTrigger *trigger1 = [[MTPushNotificationTrigger alloc] init];
trigger1.timeInterval = 5;
//Repeat iOS 10 + support once per hour
MTPushNotificationTrigger *trigger2 = [[MTPushNotificationTrigger alloc] init];
trigger2.timeInterval = 3600;
trigger2.repeat = YES;
//Alert every Monday at 8:00 AM, iOS 10 and above support
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
components.weekday = 2;
components.hour = 8;
MTPushNotificationTrigger *trigger3 = [[MTPushNotificationTrigger alloc] init];
trigger3.dateComponents = components;
trigger3.repeat = YES;
//#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
//Alert when you arrive at a location, iOS 8 and above support
CLLocationCoordinate2D cen = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(37.335400, -122.009201);
CLCircularRegion *region = [[CLCircularRegion alloc] initWithCenter:cen
MTPushNotificationTrigger *trigger4 = [[MTPushNotificationTrigger alloc] init];
trigger4.region = region;
//Alert after 5s, support below iOS 10
MTPushNotificationTrigger *trigger5 = [[MTPushNotificationTrigger alloc] init];
trigger5.fireDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:5];
MTPushNotificationRequest *request = [[MTPushNotificationRequest alloc] init];
request.requestIdentifier = @"sampleRequest";
request.content = content;
request.trigger = trigger1;//trigger2;//trigger3;//trigger4;//trigger5;
request.completionHandler = ^(id result) {
NSLog(@"Results back:%@", result);
[MTPushService addNotification:request];
Removing Local Notifications
Function description
The API is used to remove notifications that are ready to be pushed or have been displayed in the notification center. (iOS 10 is supported and compatible with versions later than iOS 10.)
The interface definition
+ (void)removeNotification:(MTPushNotificationIdentifier *)identifier;
Parameters description
- Identifier MTPushNotificationIdentifier entity type.
Get description
- With identifier set to nil above iOS 10, all display push and push requests in the notification center are removed. You can also remove corresponding push or to-be-pushed requests from the notification center by setting identifiers.delivered and identifiers.identifiers. identifiers if set to nil or an empty array remove all push or to-push requests displayed in the notification center under the corresponding flag.
- IOS below 10 identifier is set to nil, then remove all push, identifier. Delivered attribute is invalid, the other can be achieved by identifier. NotificationObj into specific push objects to remove to push this push.
Code sample
- (void)testRemoveNotification {
MTPushNotificationIdentifier *identifier = [[MTPushNotificationIdentifier alloc] init];
identifier.identifiers = @[@"sampleRequest"];
identifier.delivered = YES; //If it is equal to YES, it will be removed in the notification center display. If it is equal to NO, it will be removed in the notification center to be pushed. Invalid for iOS 10 or below
[MTPushService removeNotification:identifier];
- (void)testRemoveAllNotification {
[MTPushService removeNotification:nil]; // Removed all pushes from iOS 10 and below; iOS 10 or later removes all push and to be pushed requests displayed in the notification center
// //Support for iOS 10 and above
// MTPushNotificationIdentifier *identifier = [[MTPushNotificationIdentifier alloc] init];
// identifier.identifiers = nil;
// identifier.delivered = YES; //If it is equal to YES, it removes all that is displayed in the notification center, and if it is equal to NO, it removes all that is waiting to be pushed
// [MTPushService removeNotification:identifier];
Find Local Notifications
Function description
The API is used to find the push (iOS 10 supported and compatible with iOS 10 or later).
The interface definition
+ (void)findNotification:(MTPushNotificationIdentifier *)identifier;
Parameters description
- identifier [MTPushNotificationIdentifier]Entity type
Get description
- For iOS 10 and above, you can set identifiers.delivered and identifiers to find the corresponding push or to be pushed requests displayed in the notification center. if set identifiers to nil or an empty array return all requests to display push or to be pushed in the notification center under the corresponding flag; The following identifiers attribute in iOS 10 is invalid. delivered.identifiers return all unfired pushes if set to nil or an empty array.
- You need to set identifier.FindCompletionHandler callback to get search results, through (NSArray * results) returns an array of objects accordingly.
Code sample
- (void)testFindNotification {
MTPushNotificationIdentifier *identifier = [[MTPushNotificationIdentifier alloc] init];
identifier.identifiers = @[@"sampleRequest"];
identifier.delivered = YES; //If it is equal to YES, it will search in the notification center display; if it is equal to NO, it will search in the notification center to be pushed. Invalid under iOS10
identifier.findCompletionHandler = ^(NSArray *results) {
NSLog(@"The return result is:%@", results); // For iOS10 and above, an array of UILocalNotification objects is returned. For iOS10 and above, an array of UNNotification or UNNotificationRequest objects is returned based on the delivered value
[MTPushService findNotification:identifier];
- (void)testFindAllNotification {
MTPushNotificationIdentifier *identifier = [[MTPushNotificationIdentifier alloc] init];
identifier.identifiers = nil;
identifier.delivered = YES; //iOS 10 or above is valid. If YES is used to find all the messages displayed in the notification center, and if NO is used to find all the messages waiting to be pushed. Invalid for iOS 10 or below
identifier.findCompletionHandler = ^(NSArray *results) {
NSLog(@"The return result is:%@", results); // For iOS 10 and above, an array of UILocalNotification objects is returned. For iOS 10 and above, an array of UNNotification or UNNotificationRequest objects is returned based on the delivered value
[MTPushService findNotification:identifier];
Log Level Setting
Enabling Debug Mode
Function description
The API is used to enable the Debug mode to display more log information.
The interface definition
+ (void)setDebugMode;
Get description
When you need more debugging information, call the API to enable the Debug mode.
Code sample
[MTPushService setDebugMode];
Disable Log Information
Function description
The API is used to turn off logging messages (except for the necessary error messages).
The interface definition
+ (void)setLogOFF;
Get description
Call this API when you do not need any debugging information (it is recommended to call this API when publishing to mask log information and save performance).
Code sample
[MTPushService setLogOFF];
Setting a Mobile Phone Number
Function description
It is used to supplement sms messages. After you set the mobile phone number, you can realize the notification mode of "the SMS cannot be pushed", and improve the push fulfillment rate. After set the mobile phone number, it will push the sms message to device as supplement when normal message can not arrive,and it can improve the push delivery success rate.
The interface definition
+ (void)setMobileNumber:(NSString *)mobileNumber completion:(void (^)(NSError *error))completion
Parameters description
- mobileNumber Mobile phone number. The value can only start with a (+) or a digit. The value can only contain hyphens (-) and digits and cannot exceed 20 characters. If nil or empty string is passed, the number is unbound.
- completion responds to the callback. In the case of success, error is null. In the case of failure, error contains error codes and error information. For details about the error codes, see the definition of error codes.
Get description
This interface can be invoked a maximum of 3 times within 10s. You are advised to invoke this interface after the login succeeds. The result information is returned asynchronously through completion, or you can set completion to nil and not process the result information.
Code sample
[MTPushService setMobileNumber:@"xxx" completion:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"error:%@", error);
else {
// success
Reporting Language Information
Function description
API is used to report user language information
The interface definition
+ (void)setUserLanguage:(NSString *)language completionHandler:(void(^)(int resCode, NSError *error))handler;
Parameters description
- language:Language information
- handler:Report to the callback
Get description
It is recommended that you call this interface after successful login.
Code sample
[MTPushService setUserLanguage:@"zh_Hans" completionHandler:^(int resCode, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"language report: %d, %@", resCode, error);
Set TCP Encryption Mode
Applicable version
Notification Service Extension SDK v3.0.0 and later versions.
Feature Description
The API is used to set whether to use an encrypted TCP connection.
Interface Definition
- (void)setTcpSSL:(BOOL)isSSL;
Parameter Description
- isSSL: YES for encryption
- NO for no encryption
Call Instructions
Please call this method before initializing the interface.
Code Example
[MTPushService setTcpSSL:YES];
Voice Broadcasting Feature
Feature Introduction
To use this feature, you need to enable appGroups for your bundleid. For steps on how to enable appGroups, please refer to the "iOS Certificate Setup Guide".
This feature supports iOS 14 and above.
Due to system limitations, the duration of the voice broadcast and the display time of the mobile notification pop-up are roughly consistent (about 10 seconds, although there may be slight variations between systems). The voice broadcast will stop when the notification pop-up disappears, so please be mindful of the duration of the voice broadcast.
Setting appGroupId
Supported Versions
Supported starting from version: v4.3.4.
Calling Instructions
This is used to set the appGroupId, which needs to be consistent with the appGroupId set in the notification service extension through the mtpushSetAppGroupId: method. It is used to define a shared storage space between the main project and the notification service extension, where voice broadcast-related resources are stored.
Interface Definition
+ (void)setAppGroupId:(NSString *)appGroupId;
Parameter Description
- appGroupId: The appGroupId you filled out when enabling appGroupId capabilities for your bundleid.
Calling Instructions
Please call this before the initialization interface.
Code Example
[MTPushService setAppGroupId:@"Your appGroupId"];
Setting Whether to Enable Voice Broadcasting
Supported Versions
Supported starting from version: v4.3.4.
Feature Description
To enable or disable the voice broadcasting feature.
Interface Definition
+ (void)enablePushTextToSpeech:(BOOL)enable;
Parameter Description
- enable: YES to enable, NO to disable, default is NO.
Calling Instructions
Please call this before the initialization interface. It is disabled by default.
Code Example
[MTPushService enablePushTextToSpeech:YES];
Report liveActivity PushToStartToken
Method - registerLiveActivity:pushToStartToken:completion:seq:
Call this API to report the pushToStartToken of a liveActivity, and return the result in the block.
Supported Version
Supported from version: 4.4.0
Interface Definition
+ (void)registerLiveActivity:(NSString *)activityAttributes
pushToStartToken:(NSData *)pushToStartToken
Parameter Description
- The attribute type defined by a certain liveActivity.
- The pushToStartToken corresponding to the liveactivity.
- Used to return the corresponding status code: 0 for success, other return codes please refer to the error code definition. seq is the session sequence number passed in when calling.
- The sequence number passed in during the request, which will be returned as is in the callback.
LiveActivity pushToStartToken report callback (Block)
typedef void (^MTPUSHLiveActivityTokenCompletion)(NSInteger iResCode, NSString *liveActivityId, NSData *token, NSInteger seq);
Report liveActivity PushToken (update token)
Method - registerLiveActivity:pushToken:completion:seq:
Call this API to report the PushToken of a certain liveActivity, and return the result in the block.
Supported Version
Supported from version: 4.4.0
Interface Definition
+ (void)registerLiveActivity:(NSString *)liveActivityId
pushToken:(NSData *)pushToken
Parameter Description
- liveActivityId up to 24 bytes.
- Business id, defined by the developer, can associate multiple liveActivity pushTokens. EngageLab determines the target liveActivity that needs to be updated through this liveActivityId. This type must be NSString.
When the pushToken of liveActivity changes, please call this interface in time to report.
- The pushToken corresponding to the liveactivity.
- Used to return the corresponding status code: 0 for success, other return codes please refer to the error code definition. seq is the session sequence number passed in when calling.
- The sequence number passed in during the request, which will be returned as is in the callback.
LiveActivity PushToken report callback (Block)
typedef void (^MTPUSHLiveActivityTokenCompletion)(NSInteger iResCode, NSString *liveActivityId, NSData *token, NSInteger seq);
VoIP Push Notification
Function Description
Introduced in iOS 8, VoIP Push Notification is based on the PushKit framework, which allows the app to be awakened and execute code even when it is killed. Note: Starting from iOS 13, Apple no longer allows the use of PushKit for non-VoIP phone scenarios, and you need to use PushKit, you need to integrate with the CallKit interface.
Supported Versions
Supported version: v4.4.0.
registerVoipToken: submits the VoIP token to the EngageLab server.
Method Definition
+ (void)registerVoipToken:(NSData *)voipToken;
Parameter Description
- voipToken: The VoIP token returned by the system.
Handle VoIP Messages
handleVoipNotification: handles the received VoIP message, used for statistics on VoIP message delivery.
Method Definition
+ (void)handleVoipNotification:(NSDictionary *)remoteInfo;
Parameter Description
- remoteInfo: The content of the received message.
VoIP Push Notification
Function Description
Introduced in iOS 8, VoIP Push Notification is based on the PushKit framework, enabling the app to wake up and execute code when the user kills it. Warning: Starting from iOS 13, Apple no longer allows the use of PushKit applications for non-VoIP phone scenarios. If you need to use PushKit, you need to integrate the CallKit interface.
Supported Versions
Supported version: v4.4.0.
Register Token
registerVoipToken: Submits the VoIP token returned by the system to the EngageLab server.
Method Definition
+ (void)registerVoipToken:(NSData *)voipToken;
Parameter Description
- voipToken: The VoIP token returned by the system.
Handle VoIP Messages
handleVoipNotification: Processes the received VoIP message, used for monitoring VoIP message delivery.
Method Definition
+ (void)handleVoipNotification:(NSDictionary *)remoteInfo;
Parameter Description
- remoteInfo: The content of the received message.
Notification Service Extension
Supported Versions
Notification Service Extension SDK v3.0.0 or later versions.
Function description
Notification Service Extension SDK will be used for reporting the push arrived info.
Example Set the appkey interface
To set the appkey interface, it must be called in advance
The interface definition
+ (void)mtpushSetAppkey:(NSString *)appkey
Parameters description
- The appkey should be the same as the MTPush SDK appkey in the main app
Message display statistics
The message is sent to the statistics interface, which is called to report MTPush data in the APNs message body.
The interface definition
+ (void)mtpushReceiveNotificationRequest:(UNNotificationRequest *)request with:(void (^)(void))completion
Parameters description
- request UNNotificationRequest
- Perform operations, such as displaying APNs, on the completion message sent report callback.
Close the log
It is enabled by default. You are advised to disable it when publishing to reduce unnecessary I/O.
The interface definition
+ (void)setLogOff
Voice Broadcasting Feature
This feature supports iOS 14 and above.
Supported Versions
Supported starting from version: v4.3.4.
Setting appGroupId
+ (void)mtpushSetAppGroupId:(NSString *)appGroupId;
Parameter Description
- appGroupId: Must be the same as the appGroupId value set in the main app through the + (void)setAppGroupId:(NSString *)appGroupId; method.
Handling Voice Notifications
Interface for reporting statistics on message delivery, calling this interface reports data related to MTPush in the APNs message body.
Interface Definition
+ (void)handleVoice:(UNNotificationRequest *)request with:(void (^)(NSString *soundName))completion;
Parameter Description
- request: UNNotificationRequest
- completion: Callback after the voice notification is processed. Upon successful processing, it will return the processed sound name
, which should replace the value ofUNNotificationRequest.content.sound
Calling Example
- (void)didReceiveNotificationRequest:(UNNotificationRequest *)request withContentHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationContent * _Nonnull))contentHandler {
UNMutableNotificationContent *bestAttemptContent = [request.content mutableCopy];
[MTNotificationExtensionService mtpushSetAppGroupId:@"xxx"];
[MTNotificationExtensionService setSiteName:@"Your siteName"]; //Version 4.3.5 and later do not need to actively set up a data center
[MTNotificationExtensionService mtpushSetAppkey:@"Your appkey"];
// Handling the voice file
[MTNotificationExtensionService handleVoice:request with:^(NSString *soundName) {
if (soundName && soundName.length >= 0 ) {
// After successful voice file processing, set the notification's sound to the processed voice file name
bestAttemptContent.sound = [UNNotificationSound soundNamed:soundName];
// Continue to call the push statistics reporting API
[MTNotificationExtensionService mtpushReceiveNotificationRequest:request with:^ {
NSLog(@"apns upload success");