
Advanced Settings

อัพเดทล่าสุด :2024-06-19

Add IP Whitelist

The whitelist is used to specify the request IP addresses that this appKey can accept for push notifications. alt text

Callback Management

If a company's business system needs to obtain "message status" information, a callback address needs to be configured here. Message Status: After sending a message, the status of the message being sent, delivered, read, etc.

Navigate to the Advanced Settings > Callback Management page to configure callbacks, then click on "Configure Callback".

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  • Fill in the callback description and callback address.
  • Check the callback events. After the selected event occurs, the information will be pushed to the callback address you have set.
  • Click on the right side of the message status and message response to view corresponding examples.

Frequency Control Management

The frequency control setting function supports setting a limit on the number of push notifications a single device can receive per day to prevent excessive harassment of users. It also supports setting time periods during which users can receive push notifications to avoid disturbing users late at night. Additionally, to facilitate differentiation of operations based on various business scenarios, it allows distinguishing whether system-type messages are not subject to restrictions.

Push Frequency

Click the "Enable" button, and fill in the limit for the number of push notifications to be sent to a single device. You can set the maximum number of messages allowed to be sent to each user per hour/day/week. Messages exceeding the limit will be discarded directly.

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Permissible Push Time Period

Click the "Enable" button and select the acceptable push time period. Messages will be discarded if they are sent outside the specified time range.

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