Client error code

อัพเดทล่าสุด :2022-11-11

Client error code definition

Code description Explain in detail
1005 AppKey does not exist Please go to the official website to check whether the application corresponding to Appkey has been deleted
1008 AppKey illegal Please go to the official website and check the Appkey in the details of this application
1009 No iOS app is created in the current Appkey. The SDK you are using is earlier than 2.1.0 Please go to the official website to check the application details; Update EngageLab app integration SDK to the latest.
6001 Invalid setting. tag/alias parameters should not both be null Normal Configuration Parameters
6002 Set the timeout You are advised to try again when the network is not running properly and initialization is not complete
6003 The alias string is invalid Valid aliases and labels include letters (case sensitive), digits, underscores (_), Chinese characters, and special characters (2.1.9 Supported) @! # $& * + =. |
6004 Alias super long. A maximum of 40 bytes Chinese UTF-8 is 3 bytes
6005 A tag string is invalid. Procedure Valid aliases and labels include letters (case sensitive), digits, underscores (_), Chinese characters, and special characters (2.1.9 Supported) @! # $& * + =. |
6006 A tag is too long. Procedure A tag contains a maximum of 40 bytes Chinese UTF-8 is 3 bytes
6007 The number of tags exceeds the limit. Up to 1000 This is the limit of one device. An application can have an unlimited number of tags.
6008 The tag exceeds the total length limit The total length is a maximum of 7 KB bytes
6009 An unknown error If an unexpected exception occurs in the SDK, the client log contains detailed error information. You can rectify the fault based on the error information.
6011 Too many operations in a short period of time Set the tag or alias at least 10 times within 10 seconds, or set the mobile phone number at least three times within 10 seconds
6012 The tag or alias or mobile number is set in the stop state of the MTPush service The developer can do related processing or prompt according to this error code information
6013 The timeline of the user device is abnormal Abnormal changes in the local timeline of the device affect the setting of the mobile phone number
6014 The network is busy The network is busy. This request failed. Please resend the request
6015 The blacklist The user is added to the blacklist. Contact support to cancel the blacklist
6016 The user is invalid. Invalid User request failed. Procedure
6017 The request is invalid. This request is invalid due to abnormal parameters
6018 Tags too much The user has set more than 1000 tags and cannot set any more
6019 Failed to get Tags An exception occurred while getting all the tags
6020 The request failed A special problem occurred that caused the request to fail
6021 The last tags request is still waiting for a response, and the next request cannot be executed temporarily If you call the API related to tag for many times, please do the next operation after obtaining the callback of the last call. If no callback is obtained, the next operation can be performed after 20 seconds.
6022 The last alias request is still waiting for a response, and the next request cannot be executed. If you call the API related to aliases multiple times, please do the next operation after obtaining the callback of the last call. If no callback is obtained, the next operation can be performed after 20 seconds.
6023 The cell phone number is illegal It can only start with a + or a digit, and the following contents can only contain hyphens (-) and digits
6024 Server internal error The server has an internal error. Try again after a while
6025 The phone number is too long Mobile phone Number is too long, currently EngageLab is up to a maximum length of 20
7000 Expired geofencing The current time exceeds the set expiration time
7001 Geofencing does not exist The logic is that when geofencing is triggered, the local cache list does not find the corresponding geofenceid